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With its many hues, the Chinese 5 Color is a real show stopper that brings in shades of purple and cream in the garden. Compact and easy to grow, these peppers mature like a rainbow in five colors and gains in heat as they change color, turning from cream, purple, yellow, orange, and finally red.  “5-color” is in the name, so it’s no surprise to how they transition to 5 different colors!  The Chinese 5 Color Pepper is a small, conical, ornamental type pepper that grows to about an inch in length and provides a sweet yet bitter flavor with an earthy aftertaste.  The Chinese 5 Color Pepper Plant grows over 4 feet tall and produces over 100 peppers per plant on average.  These are great to eat raw and cooked such as boiling, stir-frying, and roasting.  You can even make salsa, dips, and hot sauces! 

"Chinese 5 Color" Pepper 8 Seeds (Capsicum Annuum)

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